Creating Trust With Clients: The Certified Barber

Most people don’t consider the essential roles barbers can play in their community. A barber is more than someone who cuts your hair. They can be a friend, a mentor, a spiritual advisor-the role varies depending on the barber and the needs of their customers.

A certified barber is someone who does more than just cut hair. They create and build trust with their clients and have the kind of open conversations you can only have with someone you trust.

What Is a Certified Barber?

First off, you may be wondering what a certified barber is. A certified barber is a barber who has been been given a professional license by the state in which they are working. 

All states in the U.S. require barbers to be licensed. Requirements vary from state to state, but all require you to complete an approved training program.

How Barbers Create Trust With Clients

A good local barbershop has always served as a staple of the community. They allow you to enter, bond with your local barber, and let your guard down. They allow you to walk away feeling good.

That element of trust leads to barbers acting as more than just barbers.

Barbers as Educators

In some communities, barbers are working to spread awareness of health issues, especially those affecting minority communities. Many are working with the program Live Chair Health to spread awareness of issues such as heart disease. 

Barbers can encourage patrons to stay informed. This has become even more important during the COVID pandemic. 

Barbers can educate their patrons on the COVID vaccine. Many are cautious of the vaccine. A trusted barber can help educate patrons and dissuade any fear.

Barbers Provide Care

A barber provides people with care. For some, you may be the only person they can talk to about issues such as mental health or relationships.

Or your conversations may be more mundane. You might simply talk about sports, movies, or local news. But those conversations are also important for building camaraderie and showing people you care.  

To someone, you may be one of the few people they can open up to. Active listening can help prevent resentment and conflict. It can be a huge positive for people to have someone listen to them and help reframe their problems.

Building Trust Benefits Everyone

Building trust goes both ways. Building trust with your clients won’t just help them, it will help you too. 

Repeat clients mean a steady source of income. It also means good marketing, since returning customers are good for word-of-mouth marketing. It also means your clients will trust you when you recommend hair products to them, giving you an additional chance to make extra money for your business.

Become a Certified Barber

If you are in the Dallas area and are looking to become a certified barber, Invictus Career College can help. We offer Class A barber classes. Your barber training can be completed in as little as 8 months. 

Our classes are affordable. We also offer payment plans for students who wish to pay out of pocket.

Contact us to find out more about our classes.