How to Qualify for Barber Instructor Jobs

Do you love your job as a barber but are interested in taking your career in another direction? Being a barber instructor is a rewarding job as it allows you to share your passion with others and shape future professionals.

Texas has the greatest need for high-quality barbers. You can help fill that need by becoming a barber’s instructor.

Qualifying for barber instructor jobs requires you to take a few steps. This guide will outline everything you need to do to advance as a cosmetology instructor.

Pursue Advanced Education

While having a barber’s license is a prerequisite, you’ll need to pursue additional education. This will enhance your qualifications and make you stand out when you’re interviewing with potential employers.

Taking classes and participating in workshops can help prepare you for barber instructor jobs. An additional degree will show your commitment to learning and providing quality education to others.

Develop Teaching Skills

Even as a master of your craft, teaching the subject is different and can be more challenging. To be successful at barber instructor jobs, you’ll need to develop several skills.

You’ll need to be able to communicate effectively. You need to have patience and be able to adapt your teaching methods for different students.

The best way to improve your teaching skills is through practice. However, getting a teaching certification can be beneficial as well.

Research the Requirements

Texas has specific requirements that you’ll need to complete before accepting a job as a barber instructor. You must have an active Texas barber license.

You will also need to complete a state-approved program. Be sure the school you choose to attend is recognized by the state.

You’ll then need to pass the exams, which typically include a written and practical exam. Next, you’ll complete an application to the TDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation).

In this application, include proof of education, training, and work experience. Be sure to stay informed about education requirements as they can change from year to year.

Build Your Portfolio

Once you’ve taken the necessary barber course, you’ll need to make a comprehensive portfolio. This should include all your degrees, courses, certifications, and achievements.

Include your professional experience and any documentation that you think is important for future employers to have. Having a portfolio will help you stand out when you’re interviewing.

Network in the Barber Industry

Networking is crucial when you’re looking for barber instructor jobs. Meeting and talking with other professionals in the industry will help you find employment. It will open up more opportunities for you as well.

From Clippers to Classrooms: Barber Instructor Jobs

Going from working in a barber shop to the classroom can be a big transition. However, it can be fulfilling and allow you to share your skills and passion with others.

You’ll need to follow the steps above in this guide and prepare yourself for barber instructor jobs. Here at Buckner Barber School, we provide the highest quality education. We will do everything we can to help you reach your goals and dreams.

Don’t wait any longer. Apply today!